Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Federal Law Enforcement In America Should Not Be Helmed By The FBI

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

After the sweeping blow the FBI received from the New Zealand high court recently in the MegaUpload case, adding to the number of scandals the agency has experienced, it is clear the Federal Bureau of Investigation should not be helming law enforcement in America.

Local police throughout America and other federal agencies often defer to the FBI on law enforcement matters. However, the FBI has a snobby attitude, with management looking down on everyday cops. Often one finds that everyday police officers do a better job than the FBI, as they are not encumbered by the agency's political leanings or social agenda, when addressing crime.

In the FBI's unending quest for power, the agency has usurped so many civil liberties Americans once enjoyed, privacy ceases to exist in America. This is lamentable, as the Constitution is a great document, but it's too bad the FBI doesn't follow it (or the law for that matter).