Monday, July 2, 2012

President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder Should Have Resigned

Eric Holder

President Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder, is in trouble in Congress, facing contempt proceedings for lying to the legislature and hiding Department of Justice, ATF and FBI documents, showing he and others at the DOJ among others, committed crimes in the "Fast and Furious" scandal. Holder and others criminally trafficked guns into Mexico, resulting in the deaths of two U.S. Border Patrol agents and hundreds of Mexican civilians. 

Eric Holder and President Barack Obama

Holder is facing contempt of Congress charges, which brings up the obvious point, he was an idiot to defiantly stay in the post, knowing he is breaking the law across the board and in a way that has cost innocent people their lives. He has arrogantly refused to resign for quite some time now and as a result, he is the first Attorney General to be hit with contempt charges. That’s on his record forever. It's going in the history books. There is no honor in what he did, only disgrace.

Eric Holder

Holder's nasty attitude in live Congressional hearings for all to see smacked of, how dare you call me in here to answer questions just because a few hundred people were brutally murdered as a result of me illegally and secretly trafficking weapons into a foreign sovereign nation. But he can stay in there like a dummy - worse is going to happen. 

Eric Holder

He's made so many enemies around the world in political circles, domestic and international law enforcement (you've gotten officers killed in America, Jamaica and Mexico and their co-workers have not forgotten that) and among journalists and bloggers (via illegal bullying and harassment and the unlawful denial of Freedom of Information Act documents). These are all people determined to proverbially rip him a new one over his criminal conduct and arrogance. His name and that of his family will be decimated to even worse degrees, covered in utter shame and disgrace.