Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Singer Chris Brown Disses Rapper Drake In A Song Over Night Club Bottle Brawl Started By Rihanna

Chris Brown

Woman beater, Chris Brown, has released a new remix song entitled "Game Don't Like" insulting rival rapper, Drake, regarding the bottle throwing brawl that transpired between their entourages at New York nightclub Wi.P. 


As reported previously, the club has since seen its liquor license revoked, doors closed and manager arrested, over something that occurred between Drake and Brown's parties. Brown uses expletives on the diss track to call Drake an effeminate man, echoing the statements of his friend, Lil Kim, who called him gay. 


Speaking of that, previously the Judiciary Report wrote of an incident, regarding singer Rihanna, wickedly bragging in an interview about smashing her brother in the face with a glass bottle. *Sarcasm* What a coincidence and how ironic that Rihanna was present at club W.i.P. when the fight broke out, with rapper Mill Meek, who's also had sex with her, as did Drake, Brown and much of the entertainment industry, telling TMZ he saw girls throwing bottles at the club, which resulted in serious injuries to members of the public. Hmmm, I wonder who he was talking about. Looks like the right person has not been sued over that brawl...