Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Justin Bieber Doesn't Like You Talking About His Mama

Justin Bieber

Teen pop star Justin Bieber sent out a very clear message during a radio show this week, by hanging up on the host - you can mess with his hair, but don't mess with his mama. Bieber hung up on the "Mojo in the Morning" radio show, for insinuating Harry Styles of the formulaic boyband One Direction was after his 38-year-old mother.


Justin Bieber

Bieber stated, ""I mean, definitely somewhat [I am friends with One Direction now]. They were in town a while ago and they came over and stuff, but, yeah, they're good kids," he said when asked about his friendship with the Brit boy banders, before adding, "I don't think you should worry about me [and my mom with Harry Styles] — worry about your mom, bro."

Justin Bieber with his parents Pattie and Jeremy

Turns out the interviewer's' mother was dead. Upon hearing this, Bieber to hung up. Nothing like a little foot in mouth to start off your day, huh Justin. Bieber was also annoyed the radio show accurately accused him of ripping off Justin Timberlake. As a result of the interview, Mojo has been suspended.