Wednesday, July 4, 2012



 Anti-Gay Mitt Romney

I am ashamed to be a Republican. I really am. Watching this garbage that the Republicans throw out at the media and the American public is a disgrace.

The Supreme Court has spoken. Why can't the Republicans start to concentrate on the real issues. They can't, because they have no real answers for anything. They flip-flop on everything and all they are concerned with is getting their power back. This Mitt Romney is a absolute joke. He really is. The new health care law was modeled after his Massachusetts law. Yet he sits there knocking down the new Health Care Law on every single interview. Is this all the loser has to talk about? Mitt Romney has no new ideas and his Republican cronies have nothing new either. They are the ones that destroyed this country. They allowed all their rich friends to destroy Wall Street and the economy, and then they want to be back in power so they can continue to destroy whats left of the American Dream.

All the Republicans talk about is the new Health Care Law. They swear they will repeal it when they get into office again. Let me tell you one thing. First of all Mitt Romney will not win this election. It is his kind of thinking that got us all into this mess and Americans are not stupid. Mitt Romney is just a rich guy looking out for the rich and more important, he is looking out for his own interest. He could care less of the people who are un-employed. He has the money and now he wants absolute power. This must be stopped and will be stopped.


I also can not believe these Log Cabin Republicans, the gay arm of the Republicans, have the balls to support these anti gay Republicans. Mitt Romney is anti-gay marriage and could care less about Gay Americans having the same rights as him. These Log Cabin flames, act like they speak for the gay community, but they do not. All they are interested in is the same thing as their straight counterparts. Power and privilege. Makes me wonder what glory holes they are all working!


Michelangelo Signorile had a very interesting piece in his column in The Huffington Post. It's about the privileged Mary Cheney who gives money to anti gay candidates, but she gets to enjoy the rights that everyone else has fought for. What it looks like is that she only wants rights for her gayness and not for anyone else.


 Barack Obama

I firmly believe Barack Obama could be one of the best Presidents in history if we can vote out this Republican Congress. I think Obama has the right ideas, but he can not get anyone in the Republican controlled Congress to vote on anything, even if it's a good bill. They just have one thing in mind, they all have said it from the start, and that is to win the election and get Obama out. They said this from day one of the Obama presidency. They never cared for the American people and they still do not. They let all these banks and crooks ( Their Friends) ruin this country and now they expect us to vote them back in to finish the job. It is so sick that all we have now are politicians who only care about the money from rich people to win elections.

If we do not vote these Republicans out of office next election, I think we will only have two classes of people left. The Rich and The Poor. This will be the end of The American Dream.