Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hardworking People Can't Even Make It In Anymore America

Something Has To Change

President Barack Obama

It's a sad indictment of today's society when hard work doesn't even get you ahead in America anymore. Young people are coming out of university to no jobs, big student loans to repay and are fearful over their futures. People are working long hours, some at two jobs, for less pay than before and are barely making ends meet. Small and mid-sized business owners are losing their shirts trying to stay afloat in an economy where the government has forsaken and ignored them in favor of big business, who created the financial crisis in the first place.

Wall Street, Hollywood and the corporate sector as a whole, who created the financial mess, continue to live lavishly off ill-gotten gains made by robbing and gouging hard working people and it was and continues to be a great injustice. The order has been reversed and in a terrible way, which is why the U.S. economy has not recovered 5-years into the crisis. Until that order is reversed back, things will continue along a detrimental path of financial deterioration.  

The thieves and criminals are prospering, while hardworking people struggle and suffer, due to the cowardice of the Justice Department, FBI and the S.E.C. To have a prosperous economy, there must be proper regulation and equitable laws governing the financial sector that are enforced. No sense in having laws one does not use, as they are rendered in effective and is a major inducement for some to commit crime.

Barack Obama walking on the grounds of the White House 

The Obama Administration has not cleaned up the corporate sector as too many of them are his rich donors. He has instead opted to spend the nation into debt, throwing money at a problem that was caused by indebtedness in the first place. IT was the equivalent of throwing gasoline on the fire. 

However, the greedy architects of the current financial crisis, did not think ahead, as they have damaged America in terrible ways, in something that is now affecting them as well. People are investing less in the stock market. People aren't building or buying homes like they used to, because they can't afford it and many are saddled with bad credit. Fewer cars are being sold. People are going to the movies a lot less and buying fewer music albums. A recent report revealed people in America are even cutting back on or getting rid of their cable television service. 

That greed of the corporate sector to gouge and gain as much money overnight, has led to long term losses that have eaten away what they would have made over time and created sales declines. They have not come out ahead, losing more than they have gained. Stealing is not a shortcut to success. It is the precursor to a nightmare. 

President Barack Obama, former President George W. Bush and his wife, former First Lady Laura Bush

Another serious side effect of big business being allowed to wreak havoc in the United States is America has lost its economic clout in the world, something Washington is having a very difficult time coming to terms with. The entire fiasco is a chain reaction of events, triggered by the greed of a handful of people in the corporate sector, in criminal misdeeds Congress failed to stop, due to campaign donations from the aforementioned, unduly rich lawbreakers.