Thursday, November 10, 2011



Born In The USA Kathy Posner

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was passed by the Reconstruction Congress after the Civil War and ratified in 1868 to protect native-born Black Americans whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. Section One’s primary purpose was to guarantee the same inalienable rights to former slaves as to any other American citizen and to ensure that individual states could not deny citizenship to members of this group.

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

This amendment has being incorrectly interpreted to allow any baby born in the United States automatic citizenship, no matter what its heritage is. Birthright citizenship has created an industry in producing what is known as anchor babies.

According to the Double-Tongued Dictionary, edited by American lexicographer Grant Barrett, the term "anchor baby" means "a child born of an immigrant in the United States, said to be a device by which a family can find legal foothold in the US, since those children are automatically allowed to choose United States citizenship." There is a huge industry built around women coming to the U.S. just to give birth.

Congressman Steve King (R-IA), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, said last year, “There are a several estimates as to the number of anchor babies born to illegal alien mothers in the U.S. each year. One estimate holds that the number is 750,000. That means two of twelve, or one out of six of all babies born in the U.S. are born to illegal alien mothers."

To counteract the “fake citizenship” problem, Congressman King introduced a bill at the beginning of the year, HR140, called the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011. Because Congress moves so slowly, who knows what year it will be when it is passed? A similar bill, S.723, was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Sen. David Vitter (R-Louisiana).

OfficialSummary HR 140

Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to consider a person born in the United States "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States for citizenship at birth purposes if the person is born in the United States of parents, one of whom is:

(1) a U.S. citizen or national,

(2) a lawful permanent resident alien whose residence is in the United States.

(3) an alien performing active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.

The Rasmussen Reports, an electronic media company founded specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion polling information, conducted a national poll to find out what Americans felt about the proposed bill. The poll found that 61% of likely voters believe that a child born in the U.S. to a woman who entered illegally should NOT automatically become a citizen. According to Rasmussen, this is the highest level of support seen thus far for changing the law.

So should babies who are born in America automatically become citizens? I watched the new magazine news show, Rock Center with Brian Williams, where correspondent Kate Snow did a report on the industry of “birth tourism.” The segment featured a home in California where Chinese women stay in order to give birth to their babies in America. One of the rooms was lined with cradles full of days-old babies who had automatically become U.S. citizens by virtue of the latitude and longitude of their first breath.

A person should be counted as a citizen of the country where his Mother is a citizen, not where her water breaks.


James Edstrom's Note:
We agree that these illegal aliens who come to this country to have children, has to stop. When a baby is born in this country, they are automatically entitled to all benefits. Go to any Medicaid office and you can see they are packed with illegal alien parents applying for free medical assistance for their new born children. They are given everything without a argument, but if you are a real American citizen, born here with American parents, they will fight you to the hill not to give you any of the benefits that you have earned by being a legal American.

Go to any emergency room in New York City. They are packed with illegal aliens who know that the hospitals have to treat them no matter what. They do not have to pay any bill and we are stuck as taxpayers paying for this. Most of the time it is not even a emergency, but they know it's free. Meanwhile, we wait in line behind them.

This is the same thing with our schools. Our school systems are not allowed to ask for U.S. citizen proof, they are required to take any child no matter what. Who pays for this? WE DO!

Read More From Kathy Posner Here....