Monday, July 2, 2012

Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes Crack Under The Pressure Of Scientology Deciding To File For Divorce

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes (Photo Credit: SMG)

Scientology actor, Tom Cruise, 49, is divorcing his wife of 5-years, actress Katie Holmes, 33, who he forced to join the mind-numbing, mentally ill Hollywood cult, converting from Christianity. Shortly after, she became very depressed, with the entire episode worrying her Christian parents. 

Katie Holmes (Photo Credit: Splash)

Holmes used to be bright and bubbly, but visibly descended into depression and despair, after marrying Cruise, who has been plagued with gay rumors (the three high profile male actors fronting Scientology, Tom Cruise, Will Smith and John Travolta, are reportedly gay). Cruise and Holmes have a child, Suri, but it is widely rumored the girl was fathered by Holmes' ex-boyfriend Chris Klein, who she bears a resemblance to in several ways.

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise

Cruise's marriage to Holmes was his third, but most controversial. The public rejected the union from the start. Signs of Cruise's mental illness, brought on by Scientology, began to show shortly after, when he flipped out on the Oprah Winfrey Show, jumping up and down on the couch and verbally attacked Today Show host Matt Lauer, for questioning his cult's troubling and dangerous beliefs.