Monday, July 2, 2012


The cover story of the new issue of Us Weekly is all about Katie Holmes finally breaking free from her “Rosemary’s Baby” marriage to Tom Cruise. 

 Katie Holmes

Tom Cruise
Katie Holmes' Hollywood fairy tale with Tom Cruise definitely did not have a happy ending. When the 33-year-old actress filed for divorce from Cruise, 49, last Thursday -- aggressively moving for sole legal custody of daughter Suri, 6 -- it was the culmination of a year-long attempt to break free of a confining, Scientology-influenced marriage to Cruise, sources tell the new Us Weekly, out now. "Every move she made and everything she did was controlled . . . She felt like she was in Rosemary's Baby," says one insider, referring to the classic 1968 horror film, in which an aspiring young actress (Mia Farrow) unwittingly bears a child for her husband's Satanic cult.

Indeed, her shocking divorce filing, which has blindsided a "furious" Cruise, wasn't simply about the Kennedys star's own personal contentment, a Holmes source says.

"This is about protecting her daughter," the insider explains to Us. "She wants to be in charge of how Suri is being raised and didn't want her to have an exclusively Scientology education."

The first source puts it more bluntly: "She felt she had to get out to save her daughter." For more on the biggest divorce shocker of the year -- inside their rigid marriage, their final blowout fight, how Cruise is "flipping out," how Holmes "got the strength to do it".

Jessica Simpson


The scale has spoken — and it doesn’t have good news for Jessica Simpson. A source tells Hot Stuff the new mom learned at her first Weight Watchers weigh-in — a few weeks after the May 1 birth of daughter Maxwell — she had gained 70 pounds. Luckily, the spokesperson, 32, has $4 million worth of motivation to shed them. Her contract requires a 20- to 30-pound loss by the end of August or no payday, says a source. But it won’t be easy. “Jessica has always had issues with junk food,” says a Simpson pal. So the 5-foot-3 fashion mogul has called in reinforcements: She enlisted her mom, Tina, and a few pals to do the program “to help keep herself in check,” says the insider. Simpson, who plans to breast-feed through July, also ditched her beloved high-calorie margaritas, adds the source. “She had a few drinks post pregnancy, but then stopped.”

Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian is totally dialed in to boy­friend Kanye West. In fact, she’s the only one who has his phone number! West, 35, “doesn’t like to be tied down by technol­ogy,” says a source, and didn’t have a cell before falling for Kardashian, 31. “It frus­trated Kim,” adds the insider. “She had to call him through a bodyguard.” But West recently caved and got a secret phone. Says a source, “He only uses it for Kim!”

Channing Tatum


The star clashed with Magic Mike protégé Alex Pettyfer

Alex Pettyfer
When Channing Tatum bares his true feel­ings about Magic Mike costar Alex Pettyfer, it’s not pretty. “He hates Alex,” a source tells Hot Stuff. “They had massive fights on set.” The beefcake to blame, insists another insider, is Pettyfer, 22, who plays a character based on for­mer male revue dancer Tatum, 32. “Alex was a jerk to everyone during filming for no rea­son,” says the insider. “He thinks he’s the star of the movie, not Channing or Matthew McConaughey.” Tatum, a coproducer of the stripper flick, retaliated by cutting a Pettyfer scene and, according to a source, “went on a ram­page about it!” And at Magic’s L.A. premiere June 25, the pair still hadn’t patched things up. The actors barely interact­ed and posed on opposite ends of the cast line. Says a source, “Channing refuses to do appear­ances alone with Alex — and he’ll never work with him again.”

Photos By: RD/Hebert/Retna