Tuesday, June 26, 2012



Ramona Singer With Alex McCord And Katlean de Monchy

My beat is style, trends and parties. What gives me the credits? I have been in fashion most of my life. As a correspondent for ReutersTV on the Paris, Milan, London and New York shows, to my own show Runway Club on syndicated television, to segments on style for “E”, Inside Edition and CNN, to Hispanic TV, to working with major brands on TV, Taxi TV .. and the list goes on.

My trends work has me forecasting major consumer trends in technology, parenting, business and more.

My party credits include parties given for bloggers and for companies launching new lines. I also support and write about charities and the people behind them.

My perspective is to give you an insider’s look yet make a little fun so you can enjoy the experience through a lighter eye

Enough about me – so what can I share with you?

#1 – I did a Bloggerini recently at the Sports Club LA on the Upper East Side of NYC. It was a mixed bag of fashion bloggers, friends including some who were there because they enjoy having their pictures taken, a few celebrities sprinkled in, several crashers who had bizarre stories about how they got there and others including those who wanted to fill their iPhone contact list with new names and potential dates. Another time I will write about a few who talked about their “open marriages”. As the host I can and will say it was a big success. The highlights: Ramona of Real Housewives of NYC who was there as a friend (she is a friend) and Alex McCord former RHONY gal. What I found so interesting was that the guests would never admit it but they loved having their pictures taken with Ramona. Even several highly successful executives lined up to be shot with Ramona.

Another interesting thing was having legendary social photographer Patrick McMullan there. Every guest kept a wary eye to see if Patrick was nearby so they could “be ready” for a shot by him.

We did a fashion show of summer styles and bathing suits using bloggers and SCLA trainers as models. The models had a better time than those just watching. Models are supposed to be serious and not smile but ours were glowing with excitement.

I ran around making sure everything was happening close to or actually on time. Janine who works with me was doing the same and tweeting onto the big screen as well. I have to learn how to have fun while I am doing my usual worrying!

This is my third bloggerini and each one was eons better than the last. 

Photo Courtesy Of: Danielle Sessa