Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Brett Winterble

There’s a new voice in town … Sirius/XM’s BRETT WINTERBLE 

Radio shows and hosts come and go; there’s no discernable difference sometimes, unless you're dealing with the likes of a Howard Stern, Jerry Springer, Rush Limbaugh, Wolfman Jack or Scott Shannon … that ignite the masses. There’s a mid-year addition to the map that so far has drawn serious contention from the public and industry alike … BRETT WINTERBLE. He is the radio host, producer and writer for his own Sirius/XM show; a three-hour program which airs daily. It’s on XM 168, Monday-Friday at 9:00PM EST. He also serves as the executive producer of the Roger Hedgecock Show; and, on occasion as the fill-in host there. Winterble has worked as a producer on the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show where he was active in parody creation and phone screened for the show. Winterble was with Rush's daily show from 2000–2006, when he joined the Michael Reagan Show in Los Angeles. Says Winterble, “Growing up, my radio influences were Howard Sterm, Larry King, Sally Jesse Raphael, Larry Glick and the 80’s radio show, Metal Shop.”

While his Sirius show has jumped on the political bandwagon with a fiery fervor, last week, Winterble and his producer Brandon Damore, began interviewing more entertainment personalities. “My personal guest list would be, The President … any of them! The Pope, Mark Sanchez and Eli Manning, to find out if they kind of hate Tebow-mania … and, Robert Plant who is sort of like the Quarterback of Led Zeppelin … and, a rock ‘n roll statesman.”

Brett also interviewed Sarah Tressler, the woman who has been in the news for the past several months. She is the former Houston Chronicle society writer who was fired for being an exotic dancer on the side. Her book, Diary of An Angry Stripper, comes out later this summer. Adds Brett, “I would like my show to be thought of as a place that is comprised of an ongoing conversation with topics that cross hours, days, even weeks. An ongoing conversation of entertainment and politics with a dose of sarcasm ands tongue in cheek humor.”