He has been convicted 38 times! So how is he still walking the streets of Chicago? How much time have Chicago policemen had to waste on Marlow when they could be investigating serious gang crime? What judges are allowing this man to appear in front of them for sentencing and obviously doing nothing? If they were doing anything, he would be behind bars!
Because I put my money behind my big mouth, I have decided that I cannot complain about this and do nothing. I have found out that Marlow will be appearing in front of a judge at Misdemeanor Branch Court at Belmont/Western on October 25th. I will attend his “trial” and report back here what happened. I will be a citizen advocate and monitor the hearing.
While we are being so lax in Chicago about our criminals, actress Lindsay Lohan was taken back to jail where she wass expected to spend nearly a month awaiting a hearing for violating her probation by failing a drug test.
According to the Los Angeles Times, “During a brief hearing, Judge Elden Fox said he had issued a bench warrant for Lohan based on a probation report, ‘indicating a positive test for a controlled substance.’ Fox said he needed further information from probation officials on Lohan's condition before a revocation hearing could be held. He then ordered Lohan into custody without bail and set an Oct. 22 court date.”
Later in the day, the judge reversed his ruling, release Lohan and set bail at $300,000. But he did set restrictions on her freedom, including her wearing an alcohol monitoring bracelet.
Under the terms of her original probation, if Lohan missed a drug test or got a positive result, she could face 30 days in jail. Lohan was ordered back to court after failing a drug test last week, a month after being released from jail for violating her parole in a drunk driving case from 2007. Her legal troubles began then when she was arrested twice over a three-month period for DUI. She pleaded no contest and agreed to attend alcohol education classes.
Prosecutors alleged she failed to attend the required number of sessions; and was sentenced to 90 days in LA County Jail. She served 13 days in custody before being released to a rehabilitation program at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where she got out early after spending 23 days there.
After Lohan recently admitted, via Twitter, that she had failed a drug test she was hauled back to court and then to jail last week
It is incredible how different the criminal justice results are for these two people in their run-ins with the law. Wealthy Lohan sits in jail and homeless Marlow is free on the streets.
The City of Los Angeles is jokingly referred to as “La La Land” because of its name and the characteristics of its population. The definition of “La La Land” is “A place renowned for its frivolous activity; a state of mind characterized by unrealistic expectations or a lack of seriousness.” Well the judges in Los Angeles are serious and in the Windy City it seems they are just blowing smoke.
Lohan Photo By: RD/Dziekan/Retna