Friday, May 25, 2012

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Engaged In Phone Hacking Against British Olympic Government Official

Tessa Jowell

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp spied on British Olympic minister, Tessa Jowell, leading to the destruction of her family. News Corp's newspaper division, News International, engaged in phone hacking, computer hacking and illegal surveillance of the Jowell family, for scoops to publish.

Rupert Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks, who has been arrested twice and charged since resigning as head of News International/News Corp newspaper
This also posed a risk to national security, once again, as the untrustworthy News Corp, was illegally privy to items to do with the upcoming Olympics. The British government has gone to great pains to make the 2012 Olympic games a great and safe one and News Corp had no business spying on behind the scenes planning and security.