Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Photographer's Assault Complaint Against Justin Bieber Sent To Prosecutor As Criminal Case

Could Bieber Face Six Months In Jail Or Will There Be A Payoff

Justin Bieber missing one shoe after fighting paparazzo. What is Bieber wearing. Those pants are comical and let's not even talk about the socks (Photo Credit: GSI).

18-year-old pop star Justin Bieber stands accused of physically battering a photographer at The Commons mall in Calabasas, California this past Sunday, while driving with actress girlfriend, Selena Gomez. Authorities have been requesting Bieber and Gomez report to the police station for questioning.

The paparazzo that tried to take the couple's picture by standing near their car, was allegedly beaten up by Bieber, because he would not move from in front of the vehicle. The photographer was taken to the hospital via ambulance, after complaining of pain to his upper body, reportedly inflicted by Bieber, who fled the scene before cops arrived.  

The website TMZ is reporting, the matter has been referred to the prosecutor's office in Los Angeles as a criminal case. A misdemeanor battery charge could result in six months in jail, but as it is Bieber's first offense in America that is not likely. As Bieber is also a foreigner in America, this incident could impact his immigration status, but as it is not a felony, deportation is not likely. If Bieber continues to accrue offenses, it will impact his immigration status (Bieber is a native of Canada).

Selena Gomez trying to pick up Bieber's shoe, who has a very strange look in his eyes. 

Bieber has been acting strangely of late. He gave a GQ magazine interview using crude and foul sexual language not befitting any role model. He appeared in the ring at a boxing match supporting womanbeating boxer, Floyd Mayweather, who unleashed a cruel physical assault on the mother of his children.    

Bieber has been trying to show the world that he is an adult, but this is not the way to do it. To show you've grown up, you illustrate through your actions that you are mindful of others and their rights. You use your head instead of your fists (no, I don't mean head butt people, but staying calm and calling the police in threatening or harassing situations). You accept responsibility for your conduct and choose a course of action that makes a positive impact. 

You don't follow the misdeeds and bad examples of questionable characters in your circle, such as mentors Usher Raymond or Floyd Mayweather. That's not what being an adult is about. Such conduct may seem cool at first, but choices have consequences. What happens when it lands you into serious trouble. Many impressionable people see you as a role model. Don't listen to those you call mentor, regarding poor conduct that lets fans down.