Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New Book States President Barack Obama Couldn't Get Enough Marijuana (Photos)

Barack Obama smoking marijuana

The website Buzz Feed Politics did an article on the new book "Barack Obama: The Story" by David Maraniss. The biography reveals that in high school, U.S. President Barack Obama, was apart of the so-called "Choom Gang." In Hawaii the word "choom" means "to smoke marijuana." The book and other sources indicate, Obama was very greedy with his weed smoking, often cutting in for additional hits when the marijuana spliff was being passed around. What a pothead.

Obama smoking marijuana and looking very high

An except states, "Barry also had a knack for interceptions. When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted 'Intercepted!,' and took an extra hit. No one seemed to mind." Obama even thanked the weed smoking "Choom Gang" in his yearbook (never mind he didn't thank his mother). The book also describes the gang as not only smoking marijuana, but drinking beer at the same time as well. 

Obama thanks his marijuana gang in his yearbook, but not his mom

Come to think of it, Obama does look stoned in most of his old pictures. Me personally, I think he took a hit before he came up with his health care plan (LOL). Seriously, in light of his extensive drug use, what will he tell his impressionable young daughters Malia and Sasha about the subject now that it has been made public.