Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Body Language Of Madonna's Boyfriend Says He Is Not In Love With Her At All

(Who Could Be)

Madonna's boyfriend doesn't look happy. She should pay him to actually smile in pictures, as it gives away the game he doesn't want to be with her.

Recently published pictures of Madonna's latest boyfriend, who is on her payroll, reveals he is not in love with her or remotely interested on her on a genuine level (who in their right mind could be regarding someone so mean and horrible). He barely looks at her. His gaze is always somewhere else. It's like he is embarrassed to be seen with his mom her.

Bored to the point of yawning

He looks sad and miserable, like he wants to be somewhere else, but gives the appearance of someone tolerating something (for the money). Whereas she is completely clingy and desperate, in trying to get his attention. Too bad she didn't stage the pictures better, as people online are having a field day mocking her for trying to buy love, with someone who could clearly care less.

Still looking away from her