Friday, November 18, 2011



Regis Philbin

It was difficult to watch yesterdays finale of Regis Philbin from daily TV. My God, he's been a fixture since I remember. When I first met him in L. A. years back, I knew he was one of a kind; from his somewhat peculiar name on down. We posited earlier this year that it was all about the Benjamin's in why he was being retired; and, Reege himself basically confirmed that last night in an excellent hour interview with Katie Couric (who knew he did such a spot-on Joey Bishop impersonation?). He said, negotiations pretty much fell apart when he felt that ABC didn't present him with what he considered a fair deal. I don't know what the terms were, but at last count, Reege was pulling in 20 mil-plus a year. That said, his exit brings about a major sea change in the business; that has seen everyone from Oprah to Larry King to the-late Andy Rooney step down. Listen, I do get it; he's 80 and although his prospects don't seem all that fruitful, he's one of a kind; irreplaceable if you ask me. Interestingly enough, Reege also revealed last night that he had been approached to host a reality show … and, even shot some footage, but ultimately passed because it didn't feel right. He always raged about the fact that these so-called reality shows were always scripted … and, apparently he was right. Katie's hour-long special didn't break all that much new ground, yet it presented Reege as a sage on the entertainment business. On the daily show, the last two weeks have had a series of retrospectives and Tuesday's special featured the guests who have passed on and was particularly moving; it was terrifically moving (Chef Tell, Mrs. Greenthumbs and Claudia Cohen, among others). I've raged about Kelly Ripa's shortcomings, but even these last two weeks must have given her pause and to reflect … 'how the f---- am I going to be able to do this?' Kelly was born in 1970 and yes, she's good … but, is she going to be good enough? Let's face it - everything she does will be compared to Reege, And, if the show ultimately fades away ... she'll be blamed. It's a tough, tough spot. Reege was on Letterman last night and was just terrific. This morning, amongst a star-studded audience that included:Tony Danza, Donald Trump, Charles Grodin, Bill Ritter, Sam Champion, John McEnroe, Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford, Bryant Gumbel, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, Caroline Rhea, Judge Judge, Judge Harry, and 28-year ABC vet Art McFarland, there were still more tributes and a wonderful performance by the cast of Rent, performing “Seasons Of Love” with special-lyrics for the occasion. Ripa, her voice quivering read some terrifically prepared and heartfelt notes and Joy Philbin, along with Regis' daughters spoke as well. Bob Iger, the head of ABC/Disney was there to tell Regis that the studio was to be properly dedicated to him with a plaque … that they showed. The entire moment was fraught with obvious tension; face it, he was the guy who wouldn't sign off on a new deal. High drama indeed! I was surprised that his faithful producer, Michael Gelman said so little; they've been together for almost all of his 28 ½ years and the omission seemed most odd. I also sort of expected director Barry Glaser to be on; one of Regis' oldest show-biz pals. I'm also surprised that Kathie Lee wasn't given a few moments; sure, she was a guest earlier in the week, but again, she should have been heard; face it, her role in the show cannot be discounted. In all, a terrific send off for sure …. certainly, everything that should have been done, couldn't have, but it was indeed fit for a king! Regis spoke at the final four minutes of the show with a terrific, if rather-abrupt and perfunctory speech. Surely the madness and emotion of these past few weeks weighed heavily on him; but, like the pro he is, he was quick, efficient and determined. For me, I'm sad, as each morning for me has been dramatically changed. One of a kind … our Reege! You'll be missed pal ... rest easy!

Photos By: Rd/Kirkland/Walter McBride/Retna